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From Janis McArthur
CaniX1The weekend two day CaniX 
event over 28th & 29th of 
September at Duncarron 
Medieval Village was a
fantastic success. 

We had a great turnout of 
72 Cani-crossers - the best 
turnout yet and some nice 
weather, just cool enough 
for the dogs to run.
Full details here of our 
registration form here

CaniX7The prizes went down amazingly well 
and the feedback from everyone was 
great. The dogs were sniffing out 
the Fishcuits before they were even 
open and one dog ran off with a 
bag. The saver bags were fab, as was 
the Salmon Oil, sampled by one of 
the juniors who was curious about 
how it tasted - lol!

Myself & Cani-Sports Scotland would 
like to say a massive Thank You for 
helping to make our races a great 
success and giving our competitors 
something worth racing for - if we 
had no prizes it wouldn't be a great race!

We have 8 categories on the following dates:
CaniX827 Oct 2013
17 Nov 2013
23 Feb 2014
23 Mar 2014
27 April 2014

Cani-Sports Scotland is growing and 
growing every race so support and 
sponsorship from CSJ is hugely 
appreciated :-)


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