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Gold & Bronze for Bethan and Danny Fitzgerald at SDAS Culbin Race

By February 27, 2014Working Dogs
By Bethan Fitzgerald
The dogs have done us proImageud again, taking home a Gold in the 4-dog class and scooter and a Bronze in the bike at SDAS’s Culbin race. 
It’s nearing the end of the season, the dogs have been working hard since September and are still beaming with energy and muscle power. The weather is wet so trails are getting tougher and they can get covered in mud, but their coats have protected them well, thanks to CSJ CP30 and salmon oil.
The next race is at the British Sleddog Sports Federation World Cup in Cambridge, which has a huge entry list involving all the teams wishing to qualify for the Europeans in France next season. Let’s hope we can get good results again.

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