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Danny won the 4 dog, bike and 2nd on the scooter at the BSSF World Cup

By March 6, 2014Sled Dogs, Working Dogs
BethanpicLatest news from Bethan Fitzgerald

Danny is continuing doing well, he 
has just been to the BSSF World Cup 
and won the 4 dog, bike and second 
on the scooter and that's with Bryn 
-the one that was injured!!!

He is full of flu at the mo and is 
gutted as he has the last race in 2 
weeks and although he has won the 
4-dog championship already, he needs 
a gold in the bike this time to win the championship, we are doing 
everything we can to get his strength back - even burning tea tree 
oil as I type which is making my eyes sting!!!

I have 6 weeks left of the pregnancy, getting very uncomfy - two 
weeks in work left to go. We have an au pair from the states coming 
at the end of April, I hope she is as good as she sounds!!! She is 
a runner and loves dogs so hopefully she can help us next season 
with training too!

The plan for next season is to race at the European dry-land race 
in France and continue to compete with SDAS. I've actually convinced 
Danny to let me qualify this year for the 4 dog world championships 
in 2015!

pid1217Pepsi our pup has started training 
and Danny is very excited as she is 
just a naturally fast dog and will 
make an amazing bike dog and a young 
fast dog to drive a big team too.

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