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The amazing story of Oscar and Tracy Evans

By March 10, 2014Canicross, Working Dogs

From Tracy Evans

Baby OscarOscar is my rescue GSD X Husky, he came into my life almost 5 years ago. He was 7mths old and weighed 10kg. We were his forth and forever home.   The first dog trainer we went to said he should be put down. We then found a behavouralist, started having 1 to 1 lessons and then progressed to dog training classes.

Oscar has always had lots of energy

He does Canicross and Agility he also does Good Citizen Classes and Search training to keep him busy.

After 6 months of practice, we entered our first Canicross race ran by CaniX and sponsored by CSJ. I was having problems with Oscar’s diet, as I am a Nurse, I know the importance of good nutrition for health, I was also aware that Oscar’s nutrition had been poor. He was on a diet of complete biscuits mixed with complete wet food which was the only way he would eat. We looked up our local supplier and also found a hydrotherapist. Oscar eats CP30 for tea every night; he also has Poppets, CSJ Herbs and Pemmikan for long distance races.

Thanks to Oscar, I’ve got more energy too!

When I first got Oscar I was over 13 1/2 stone, (I stopped weighing myself at that point).  But with all the exercise Oscar needed – initially only walking till he was 18 months old because of his development, I now weigh about 9 stone thanks to Oscar.

Oscar isn’t particularly fast as a Canicross dog over 5km, but he loves to run. So we decided to try longer distances and we decided to run a half marathon with some friends. We completed our first half marathon at Caythorpe on 9th march, we also entered a img001relay team for the Green Man Ultra,  running almost 16 miles over the day on the first and last leg. Oscar enjoys the longer runs and starts pulling at 6 miles.

We still enjoy our 5km races though and had a fantastic weekend at the BSSF Sled dog race in Thetford, It was our first sled dog race and we are looking forward to doing more next season. We also plan to do some Bikejor racing, now I know Oscar has more stamina than I thought.

We will be concentrating on our Agility over the summer and we have just started training with a new trainer, as Oscar is starting to enjoy the obstacles rather than just running round them. We have a couple of triathlons planned, which should be great fun. One is in April with Canicross, Obedience and Agility. There is another one in June with a short and very early run, an Obedience challenge and an open water swim for both of us.

Keep up with Oscar’s amazing adventures in his diary inside Your Dog magazine

More canicross news on our website

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