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Salmon oil, Wales and a good summer for Huw Jones and Ffynongain Gundogs

By July 16, 2014Gundogs

DSCF0022From Huw Jones

I would just like to thank you for the support you have given my team and me again this year again. The Wales gundog team kit arrived safe and the boys wished me to pass they’re thanks on to you.  I must say the Salmon Oil you sent us is excellent. The team will be at Anglesey and Birr castle in August and I will without question let you know how they get on.

We have a very good team again this year – Andy Fisher, Nigel Probert, Paul Hobbs, Richard Edwards and Michael Jones.

Nigel ran for the GB team this year taking top overall dog; Andy took top Overall Welsh Retriever last year; Paul took Top Retriever this year at Sherbourn Castle Inter-Gundog Club Test; Michael ran for the Wales team at Highclere and Richard has now joined the team as a new member and I am sure he will do well with us.

The new team selection process that I set up has now shown the gundog world that Wales has some excellent dogs that can compete at the highest level we had 37 dogs for this years selection to pick from and its getting better each year.

My own dogs have done very well this year with my young spaniel winning both gundog and club tests and 5 field trial awards while my young Labrador has also proven himself.

As for me and Ffynongain Gundogs we are having a very good summer and have flown the flag for CSJ at the Royal Welsh Spring fair, the Welsh Game fair doing the main ring gundog demonstrations on both days, and from this week on I will be at the Royal Welsh on the 22nd in the BASC marquee as the BASC Wales Gundog Advisor where I will be holding a gundog clinic. This will be followed by the Pembrokeshire County Show, the West Wales Motor Cycle Show (in aid of the Wales Air Ambulance) and the Picton Castle Country Fair – all of these shows are for 2/3 days so a busy month ahead.

Thank you,


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