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Jenny, Tiga and Yogi at the Trophee des Montagnes in the French Alps!

By August 15, 2014Canicross, Search and Rescue
253Tiga at TDM 2014 VS9
From Jenny Brown , Runners Retreat
Hi Ceri
We survived!
I registered both Tiga and Yogi so they were able to share the races, Tiga did 7 races and Yogi 3. Yogi did the long 12 km race and finished 3rd in his first ever race getting a podium place at the resort.  We were lying in 4th place overall chasing hard for 3rd and trying to stay ahead of 5th and it was only in the last race that we clinched 3rd place overall in my age category.
No sooner were we back home and we were out tracking missing dogs – only possible with the help of a good quality food from CSJ and topped up with extra energy from the Fruit & Mutt bars. 
I have just placed an order for Tiga using his paw points and paid for an additional 2 bags for a friend who is now on CSJ.
I hope you like the photos!
Jenny, Tiga & Yogi
CSJ blog team – 10 races in 9 days up and down the mountains – we’re impressed. Love the photos and hearing about how you got on!


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