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Mark Laker’s puppy Moog loves CSJ kibble + Agility Team GB news

Screen Shot 2015-02-19 at 23.19.35By Mark Laker
My young puppy Moog is three months old now and like all puppies of that age he is full of energy one minute, playful and mischievous the next, hungry and then tired. He’s great fun and I’m very pleased with the way he’s developing.
Naturally he’s growing up on CSJ Puppy kibble which is great for a young puppies flexible feeding routine. Why flexible? Well we like to feed the majority of our pups food from the hand. We find this builds up that important relationship where we can start introducing behaviours and rewards and tiny little training methods in a fun and playful way.
At this age he’s learning that food is good, humans are fun and if I offer behaviours I get nice rewards!
The other news this month is we’ve held the second Agility Team GB squad day,  This is the last of these days for the 2015 squad of 37 handlers. Their next challenge is the Performance Weekend held at Lincoln show in April. Then we select the teams going to the European Open in Germany and the World Championships in Italy.

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