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Latest news from Mark Laker and Agility Team GB 2015

By June 22, 2015Agility, Mark Laker Agility

Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 10.11.43The agility competition season is well under way now and the agility circus is moving its way around the country to the top competitions most weeks until the end of September.

After the first couple of competitions I found myself looking to gain a second or so in order to gain a slightly higher position. I’ve gained a third and a Reserve ticket in the Championship classes, some Crufts points and qualified for the Olympia quarter finals. Finding a second would make a big difference.

So where do I find this missing second? I’ve been looking at my own fitness plan trying to get a bit more flexibility in my running style. I’ve been working on Devo’s fitness both on the agility equipment and through more general targeted fitness and of course I continue to work on my course skills. I like to regularly go back to basics too and foundation work is a regular part of our training plan. Whether I find that missing second or not, we’re having fun ramping up the training and having a focused target to aim for.

MoogMeanwhile my young dog Moog is developing well. He is looking good, he’s very keen to learn and is already displaying behaviours and habits learnt from our other dogs that he’s worked out.

Its fascinating watching young dogs develop. I can already see with Moog that he is keen to work for toys, a ball or food which is going to be a massive benefit. I find feeding kibble from the hand great for targeting his behaviours and maintains that handler / dog relationship. His natural reaction already is when he hears his name he gets a treat. He gets a treat from the hand so he’s immediately tuned what we’re doing.

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