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After a few hectic days at the Anglesey Show

By August 18, 2015Gundogs, Working Dogs

DSCF6231Posting by Huw Jones

Finally got home from a hectic few days up at the Anglesey show and finally getting a chance to let you know how the team did at the home International.

This year again there were 4 teams running on the Wales, England, Ireland and the Isle of Man. I am very pleased to let you know we came second to a very strong Irish team, we pushed them all the way, but could not catch them.

Sorry, but I was very happy that we were way ahead of a very strong England team that had the same four dogs who ran at the CLA.  We also had a dog that came joint top overall dog, so all in all I am happy with how things went. I hope we can now go to the last round of the Internationals at Birr castle at the end of the month with the confidence that we will win.

This year on the Wednesday, the show held a spaniel competition to try and get a full blown international test there next year: This year a team from England, North Wales and South Wales took place, each running 4 dogs.
I am pleased to let you know North Wales came first and also had David Williams taking the Top Spaniel award.  What was also very pleasing was that the 3 top spaniels were all from Wales 1st David Williams scoring 189/200, 2nd  Alistaire Ross 183/200 and 3rd Huw Jones (me), with 182 / 200, all three of us running under the CSJ banner.
I will let you know how we get on at Birr Castle.
Thank you Ceri

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