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Fit and keen

MLakerPosting by Mark Laker
The Agility Team GB Coaching Team has been busy over the last few weeks making final preparations for the first squad day on Sunday 06 December.
I’m really looking forward to this day, it signifies the start of the 2016 international agility season. There are new members of the Coaching Team this year who are keen to get started; it will be the first time on the squad for a lot of handlers so they’ll be excited too (I hope); we have some additional helpers from the agility community coming  and the local press will be there too. It should be a great day.
At home our dogs are all looking well. We’ve recently put Torro and Kodi (our retire agility dogs) on to a CSJ senior food and they seem to be doing really well on it. They have had active agility careers reaching championship level, and they still enjoy their walks, running around the field and Kodi will take the opportunity to run up the A Frame given the chance to get an extra reward – crafty aren’t they!
I’m increasing the fitness levels my current competition dog Devo now as we build up for Olympia in a couple of weeks. This includes building up general fitness with road walking / jogging, extra agility, core strength and of course a healthy diet. Although its me who mostly needs fitness levels building!

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