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Happy New Year from Mark Laker

MLakerJan2016Happy New Year,
I hope you had a relaxing break and are now looking forward to 2016. We took the opportunity of the extended break to go to an agility competition in Germany; and have a wee holiday at the same time. It was great! we really enjoyed the competition, the dogs did good and it was a nice way to see the New Year in. The venue was fantastic (see picture). There are quite a lot of these types of facilities in Europe for dog agility.
In my last article I wrote about my preparations for Olympia. Unfortunately Devo pulled up lame after qualifying for the evening final. This was completely unexpected and unusual for him. In all his six years of competition he has never gone lame or in fact had any injury at all. I’m pleased to say he recovered quickly after seeing the Physio for some minor treatment and was 100% back to fitness for the trip to Germany.
My focus for the next few months is on preparations for Crufts and preparing Team GB for the Performance Weekend in April. The second squad day in February will soon be here and there’s lots to do.
I wish you and your dogs a successful and healthy 2016.

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