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Lottie is doing so well. An inch off back & front!

By August 16, 2016Weight Loss, Working Dogs
Posting by Rachel
Lottie is still doing so well.  She has lost a further inch off the back end and front.  Everyone who sees her says the difference in her is amazing.
She is loving her walks in the woods with my 2 other dogs Lola and Murphy and she is loving life to the full and wants to be part of everyday family life.

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 10.04.40In this photo she is wearing my eldest son’s rugby shirt.  He plays for Rhiwbina Squirrels as does my youngest son and Lottie loves nothing more than watching them train.We’re hoping she’ll be their lucky mascot.

She is on 100 % Porky Pooch now, and is loving it.  She has her No Ake! too and her Dem bones! too and her life cannot get any better.
She is going to my Mother and Father in Law’s for a week next week as we are going camping and we think it will be too strenuous for her just yet.  Going to miss my little shadow so much.
In one of the photos too she has her favourite toy, a pair of rugby socks tied together.  She carries them everywhere with her.  Lottie is a bit of a sock thief and I am noticing we are missing a lot of socks in the wash… we know who it is.  A good job we love her.

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