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Great news! Lottie has lost a whole kg!

By September 12, 2016Weight Loss, Working Dogs

From Rachel


We weighed Lottie at the vets today and she is now 25.6kg !!! At the last weigh in 4 weeks ago she was 27kg. We are so thrilled with her. Onwards and upwards and let’s hope it’s another great weight loss in 4 weeks.

We took her for a walk along the River Taff to celebrate and she loved it.

Tired but happy, we had one exhausted Lottie afterwards…

Now Lottie has come home from her ‘holidays’
She has had a lovely week with my mother in law Susan and father in law, Graham. They said she has been as good as gold.  They’re also looking after a tortoise called Tommy who Lottie finds fascinating. A good way to keep her walking around !

2″ off her backside!

I’ve just measured her, and she’s lost 2 inches at the back (27in). We have seen a huge difference in her again. She looks younger in the face and she is getting about easier and not so achy.  The weight loss and No Ake! herbs are doing the trick.

Lottie has been a busy girl since being home again.

She loves sitting in our kayak, I think she was making sure we didn’t leave her again….
The second photo is her with her favourite toy – rugby socks.  She carries them around with her.

We took her to the beach on Wednesday which she thoroughly enjoyed, chasing the balls into the sea and chilling in the sun.

She went with the other dogs she lives with Lola – black and white Spaniel/Collie cross, Murphy – black and tan Collie, and my dog walking clients Kaiser – black Staffy and Teddy- Yorkshire Terrier.  They all had a brilliant day and as you can tell when they finally got back to my van they were shattered.

Lottie is off for more adventures before the ‘small humans’ go back to school so we will continue to take photos and I will let you know about any weight loss – fingers crossed.



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