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Look at the difference in Lottie!

By September 26, 2016Weight Loss, Working Dogs

Posting by Rachel White

Lottie is becoming quite well known where we live and with my CSJ customers. They always ask about her and she comes to greet them. Win – Win! I say.

Lottie continues to be amazing. We have seen a huge difference in her in the last 2 weeks. When we go out with all our dogs she is actually trying to run to keep up with them, and she wants to go off exploring with them.

She is getting more confident with leaving my side as I’m hoping she is realising that I’m always going to be here and not leaving her, so she is starting to relax a lot more. I can leave our back door open now and she is confident to potter outside and the door won’t ever be shut on her.

She is still loving her Porky Pooch! (thank goodness) and she has her next weigh a week on 30th Sept.. We have everything crossed for her, but you only need to look at her to see the difference.

We can’t get over how young she is looking in the face.


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