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Going or gone…

By Mark Laker
How are the New Year resolutions going? still going …. or gone!
Last month I wrote about the importance of creating good habits that will help you achieve your goals. If you’ve created these, then I guess you’re well on your way now. If not, well its not to late to start.
If you take the habits we do every day like cleaning teeth, tying shoe laces, getting dressed etc. we don’t actually have to think about doing them; the sub-conscious part of our brain does this automatically for us. So if we can commit the habits that are going to help us achieve our goals to our sub-conscious, then Voila it just happens….
To do this we need to repeat the behaviour a number of times
There are various views on how many times, ranging from 21 days through to three months. Personally I think it depends on the individual.
In last months article we talked about picking one mini-habit that will get you closer to your goal. That’s a great tip. Just pick one thing, make sure it motivates you, (something exciting and rewarding) and then do it once a day/twice a week etc..  you will soon find you’re doing this new activity without having to think, your sub-conscious will have taken over.
I hope February is kind to you.

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