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Skye is now on the herbs and your food ‘No Grainer’

By February 15, 2017Working Dogs

By Ruth Smith



We have tried all sorts… All I have given up on after Skye seem to be in distress with very bad tummy crap (its like something bites her) with end result always being like her tummy boils over and a stools the just bubbles out. 

She will them go back to just soft stools with another toxic stool the next day.

I seem to be a protein issue as all veg (and nuts she was happy to eat the chestnut that fell from our tree) is fine but if we give her the smallest piece on cheese, chicken, caned tuna or salmon she has a reaction.

Solution – after Ruth talked to our Nutrition Adviser, Nicki

Skye is now on the herbs and your food No Grainer! I have found a stockiest not far from me where I picked up a bag of food from the other Sunday.

We have now been on the No Grainer! for two weeks slowly introduce it with no ill affect.  

Skye stools are sold and the best they have ever been and they don’t smell, she has no pain or discomfit.  

She is just a happy little dog now and loves your food.

I never thought I would get her right and that it was something that I would just have to live with but not any more.

I can not say how happy I am with your product and your services. You have been so helpful and fantastic. 


Contact Nicki

If you have any dog nutrition queries, please ask Nicki, our Nutrition Adviser. You can contact her by filling out the short form here:



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