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Lottie loves her holiday

By March 13, 2017Weight Loss, Working Dogs

By Rachel White

Well we have finally been through Lotti’s holiday photos and it was really difficult to choose which ones to send, so we hope you like the following photos.

Lotti had a wonderful first holiday.

She absolutely adored coming away with the family and was adamant that she wasn’t going to miss out on anything. We walked on the Millennium Coastal Path at Llanelli, that really blew our cobwebs away. Here’s Lottie keeping up with the family.

Lotti wanted to swim in the sea but we stopped her as it was so far away……. we made it up to her by finding a big lake.

We visited lots of parks and fun places and Lotti was thoroughly tired.  She would cuddle up with her cuddly toys and not move from her bed. In the photo above, you can see how Lottie’s brown eyes always work… She always get a tickle!


Lottie and her amazing flying ears!

Lotti is still loving Porky Pooch!

But her weight is staying the same.  She is currently at 23.5kg but looking so much fitter and the fat around her body especially her bottom is disappearing.  She is still quite the celebrity where we live and people are always shocked at how well she is looking, which is lovely to hear.
She is still having her No Ake!, which I am sure is giving her the extra boost.  She certainly doesn’t need her medication as much, which makes me so happy.

Here’s Lottie in her snuggly warm jumper after her swim.All wrapped up and nice and warm again. Looking so much younger x



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