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CSJ Charity Test for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

By June 9, 2017Gundogs, Working Dogs


By Alison Sorley

I held a charity test on Saturday on behalf of CSJ Dogfood for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, a lovely day and raised £1200.00. This wouldn’t be possible without the help of all the members of the Scottish Gundog clubs coming along and supporting these charities and also all the persons donating prizes for raffles, auctions etc.

I have to add a huge thank you to Mike Henderson from the Hillend Tavern who donated a hidden malt whisky bottle, which had to be guessed by individuals at £1.00 a go. This raised £100, also 4 x 24 packs of Best beer for auction. Much appreciated Mike!

Thanks to Ceri and Phil for prizes – we missed your presence this year. The judges J. Douglas, D. Sorley, E. Munro Ferguson and G. Spacey, Laura, Jean and Elinor for their help with the admin etc. Especially for the dummy throwers who put themselves forward every week. Thank you and especially to our speaker Mr Fred MacAulay.

The £1200.00 was absolutely brilliant – thank you again to all who contributed to help raise this amount for this amazing charity.



1st – A. Adamson – Rumbleton Zak of Witchmyre

2nd – A. Fairweather – Craigmillour Venus

3rd – J.Nicol – Belneiden Delta


1st – A. Adamson – Rumbleton Zak of Witchmere

2nd – C. Johnston – Nellsecundus River Drive

3rd – J. Hood – Polmaise Fala Crow


1st – G. Buchan – Misty Longa

2nd- C. Johnston – Nellsecundus River Drive

3rd – C. Court

Thank you,

Alison Sorley


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