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An interview with Steven Richardson after winning Gold with Libby at the WAO

By June 21, 2017Agility, Working Dogs

An interview with Steven Richardson


How many times have you and Libby competed at the WAO?

We have competed together at WAO since 2013 Achievements at this event? This year Libby was amazing getting gold!! in the biathlon event and bronze in the pentathlon.

What were you concerns leading up to the competition?

My main focus was making sure Libby was at full fitness for the event!

With Libby being 10 and a half, did you need to do or train on anything in particular? 

Just making sure her fitness was as high as it could be.

What did you think of the course?

I thought all of the courses where challenging but also well designed to show off all the dogs full speed!

Did you decide to go all out for it or go for a safe clear run – based on what the dogs had done before?

In the biathlon I went all out for it where as in the pentathlon didn’t push as hard as wanted 5 consistent rounds rather than 2 all out runs!

Best moment?

The moment that Libby and I achieved our goal and becoming world champion!!

Biggest worry?

My biggest worry is will this be Libby’s last WAO!

Describe your overall experience of this event – travel, difficulties, joys, team mates, coaching??

Being on the team for a few years now, this year for me was the best team attitude and atmosphere I’ve seen coaches and management where brilliant!

Thank you Steven Richardson and congratulations.

STOP PRESS! Future has just qualified for the UKA Grand Finals at the end of the year.

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