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Joe Hipwell at the GWCT Scottish Game Fair

By July 4, 2017Gundogs, Working Dogs

Joe Hipwell and his Sealpin Gundogs had a busy weekend at the GWCT Scottish Game Fair, held at Scone Palace, Perth from the 30th June – 2nd July.

Joe and 12 dogs spent the weekend demonstrating in the main ring each day, giving ‘have-a-go’ gundog lessons at the World of Gundogs area, judging the gundog element of the inaugural Estate Challenge and judging the CSJ sponsored junior handlers event.

The junior handlers competition was very well received with gundog trainers of the future being put through their paces. All the prize winners went away with a bag of CSJ Champ! and hopefully a keen interest to pursue our sport.

After demonstrating at the Royal Highland Show the previous weekend, the Sealpin team were away from home for nine of the last twelve days. It is important at these busy times to keep the dogs in good condition so they were all enjoying an extra scoop of CSJ Champ! whilst on the road.’

For all the Gundog results, please visit:

“As you know it was the first time I had attended this event and had a thoroughly great experience – finding everyone so warm and friendly.” Ceri Rundle

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