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Chinese Year of The Dog

By February 15, 2018Show Dogs, Working Dogs

Year Of Dog - 2018

The Dog is the eleventh of all the Chinese zodiac animals. According to legend, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by when each animal arrived to his party. Monkey, Rooster and Dog were in another country, helping a god defeat evil spirits. After they’d finished, they set off to the Jane Empror’s party together. Because they arrived at the same time, the Jade Emperor went by the order they met the god in the other country. So the Dog became eleventh.

The Dog is also associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì zhī)(戌), and the hours 7–9 in the evening. In the terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Dog is yang.

In China, it is still popular to name dogs ‘Wàng Cái ‘(旺财), which means ‘prosperous wealth’ and derives from the sound of dogs’ barking(旺旺—wàng wàng).

Honest and loyal, Dogs are the truest friends and most reliable partner

Recent years of the Dog are:

dogpawtext [Converted]










Paired with the Celestial Stems (天干—Tiān gān), there is a 60-year calendrical cycle. Although xū is associated with earth, the years cycle through the five elements of nature (五行—wǔ xíng).

Full details of each year.

1934 jiǎ Dog Wood Yang
1946 bǐng Dog Fire Yang
1958 Dog Earth Yang
1970 gēng Dog Metal Yang
1982 rén Dog Water Yang
1994 jiǎ Dog Wood Yang
2006 bǐng Dog Fire Yang
2018 Dog Earth Yang
2030 gēng Dog Metal Yang

Personality and characteristics

A Dog’s most defining characteristic is its loyalty. A Dog will never abandon its friends, family or work.

Honest and just, the Dog is popular in social circles. Everyone needs a Dog friend for advice and help. They’re also good at helping others find and fix bad habits.

Despite how calm a Dog can act, they can be worried and anxious inside. However, they will not let this feeling get in their way. Once a Dog decides on something, no one can persuade them against it.

Metal 1910, 1970 These Dogs are traditional and attractive. They have high self-esteem and don’t like receiving help. But they like helping others, though it sometimes causes problems for themselves. They will take over someone’s position and it’ll open up a smooth road to success.
Water 1922, 1982 These Dogs are calculative planners. They focus on building a strong foundation for their future. But when faced with difficulties, they can become very pessimistic. They work hard, but should create bigger goals in order to use their full potential.
Wood 1934, 1994 These Dogs are trustworthy and polite. If given help, they’ll do whatever they can to repay the kindness. They adhere strongly to morals and ethics. Others can find it hard to understand. They do well in jobs that require patience and will keep fighting until they succeed.
Fire 1946, 2006 These Dogs are dream chasers. They generally have smaller dreams that are easy to fulfill, which motivates them to continue on. When friends have trouble, they’ll give advice but won’t set out immediately to help. Every step must be thought out carefully before they act.
Earth 1958, 2018 These Dogs are stubborn and never give up. They aren’t very connected with the world and society. Though stubborn, they respect other perspectives. They believe that as long as they work hard, they’ll make it.

Men born in the Dog year are straightforward and genuine. They are energetic, though they’re more pessimistic inside.Very opinionated, they’re always ready to correct others and defend their stance. It’s not that they want to show off. They just feel it’s necessary to help others realize their mistakes.

These men care deeply for their family. Their stubbornness fades in the face of their loved ones. They work to understand and compromise, resulting in a harmonious family life.

Women born in the Dog year are very cautious. They’re indifferent towards people they don’t like, and don’t trust easily. But once they do, it’s permanent. They are intensely protective of their friends and family.

They are genial and independent. They love outdoor activities and being in nature. However, female Dogs are also hard workers and don’t give up until they succeed. Security and a stable income are their requirements for a career.


Most compatible with Dog: Rabbit, Tiger, Horse

Dogs are the most compatible with Rabbits. They’re attracted to the Rabbit’s kindness, while the Rabbit supports Dogs in the background.

Dogs are often pessimistic and needs a Tiger’s reassurance. Tigers also need a Dog’s loyalty. With Horses, both understand and respect each other’s opinions.

Least compatible with Dog: Dragon, Ox, Goat

Dogs and Dragons clash strongly and are the least compatible. Neither trusts each other and they have intense arguments.

There’s a cold relationship with Oxen. They have different interests and can’t interact smoothly. Dogs and Goats are able to tolerate each other, but there’s not much else.

Lucky things for Dogs

  • Colors: green, red, purple
  • Numbers: 3, 4, 9
  • Mineral: emerald
  • Directions of auspiciousness: north, northwest
  • Directions of wealth: southeast
  • Directions of love: south

Unlucky things

  • Colors: blue, brown
  • Numbers: 1, 7, 8

Careers fit for Dogs

UnknownDogs are loyal and obey all orders. They put in their biggest effort to accomplish any task given to them. Because they aren’t satisfied with being worse than others, a competitive job would suit them well.

They are also sensitive to details and have strong reasoning skills. They see the dangers of being in a position of high status. This is why they’re willing to stay in the background and support others. They’d do well in a behind-the-scenes type of job. Dogs are observant and have strong morals. They judge everyone before deciding if the person is trustworthy. This makes them a good candidate for careers such as referees, lawyers and interviewers.

Health and lifestyle

Dogs are healthy overall, but the status of their health often has drastic changes. Though they seem resilient, it actually hides the symptoms that they may have. The smallest colds can put them in bed for days. Be wary of influenza and other contagious diseases during summer and autumn seasons.

They should pay attention to their digestive system during their youth. Their biggest enemy is their unhealthy diet.

Once in the workforce, Dogs will constantly be busy. The stress will lead to headaches and migraines. In extreme cases, it can even lead to hysteria.

To create a strong base, Dogs should begin the habit of exercising early on. Taking breaks as needed and relaxing activities such as yoga are recommended.

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