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CSJ solves tiny appetite issue

By May 30, 2018Show Dogs, Working Dogs

Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 12.59.24Well known Borzoi exhibitor Margaret Masterman was in the perfect position to resolve her bitch’s tiny appetite problem when becoming Brand Ambassador for CSJ.

Fleur (Quarenta’s Life’s A Dream With Santerman – pictured here winning PGB at Crufts this year) hasn’t looked back since being fed exclusively on CSJ CP30. Margaret says, “It’s the only product she will eat enough of to maintain her body condition – she has a tiny appetite like me!!”

Fleur is 4 years old and was only lightly shown due to family commitments over the last 3 years but has been to 3 prestigious shows this year and won Post Graduate at each one … Crufts, Northern Borzoi Ch. Show, and Birmingham National.

Margaret chose her from a litter of nine bred by Steven Morgan out of Zafonic Aquilla Over Quarenta by Dolsaca Cappuccino Over Quarenta.

With the body condition finally resolved Margaret is looking forward to pursuing Fleur’s career and CSJ commented that they are delighted to hear the results but wouldn’t like to commit to helping Margaret’s own tiny appetite!

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