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Sheepwatch UK conference

By June 25, 2018Working Dogs

The Sheepwatch UK conference took place in Petersfield on Friday 22nd June 2018.

There were an impressive number of high calibre and influential people present, including MPs, representatives from DEFRA, the Rural Crime team, the North Wales police force, the Alpaca Association, the Butterfly Conservation and many more.

We gathered together to plan how an amendment or chance can be made to the law which will enforce more care to be taken to protect livestock from stray dog attacks.

The attacks happen all over the UK and can result in severe damage and cruelty to livestock, that can result in harsh financial implications to farming communities.

If you see a sheep that has been a victim of a dog attack, please dial 101 now

The more incidents that are reported, the faster statistics will grow and the greater the likelihood that Sheepwatch UK can encourage and amendment to the law to help protect livestock, farmers and farming communities. So, if you see a sheep that has been a victim of a dog attack, please dial 101 nand report the incident right away.

Take the lead


A campaign has been launched called #takethe lead encouraging everyone to put dogs on a lead, when near farm land.

Many ideas were discussed, including educating schools, offering dog and sheep acclimatisation courses and more signage. The Sheepwatch UK committee will assess all the ideas and direct the next course of action. In the meantime, please do all you can to promote and share #takethe lead

Terena Plowright talks about the UK Sheepwatch Conference 2018


Ed Hawkins proposes a new course of action


A few slides from the North Wales police force describing the current situation

Find out more about Sheepwatch UK

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