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Calverhall Family Day Dog Show

By September 12, 2018Show Dogs, Working Dogs

By Libby Middleton

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Hello, just wanted to say a massive than you to CSJ for sending us so many goodies for our Calverhall Family Day dog show on 2/9/18.

We had an excellent day. The dog show is part of a much bigger village fate (called the Calverhall Family Day), so we have lots of families attending, many of whom bring along their dog. We had a total of 59 entrants spread across 10 classes, with lots of them entering several classes.

Our judge for the day was Amanda Austin, from near by Audlem. Amanda shows Saluki’s and Afghan Hounds. She was excellent, spending time with each dog and their owners and picking some really worthwhile winners. She said the hardest class to judge was the ‘Dog the  Judge would most like to take home’..! With 30 dogs entered it was a very difficult choice and I’m sure she would have taken them all home, but in the end she choose ‘Daisy’, a brindle whippet, in first place. Best in Show went to Coco, a chocolate brown working cocker, owned by Guy Frankfort.

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I have attached several pictures from the day, but there are more you are welcome to use on out FaceBook page –

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Thank you again for your generosity.

Kind Regards

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