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Hector – Hernwood Achilles gains his first CC and BOB at only 20 months at Manchester Championship Show

By February 5, 2019Gundogs, Show Dogs, Working Dogs

Manchester 2019 DCC & BOBDebra Harker has just told us that Hector – Hernwood Achilles not only finished 2018 as Our Dogs – Top Pup and gained his JW at 14 months: Top Junior in the breed as well as gaining a RCC at only 12 months….

He has just started 2019 with a bang by gaining his first CC and then topped it by gaining BOB at only 20 months at Manchester Championship Show.

“Blown away with my youngster and as ever exclusively fed on CSJ!!” says Debra. Find out more about Debra and Ettrick Gordon Setters at:

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