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Karen and Mark Laker launch a new website – Inner Agility

By February 5, 2019Agility, Working Dogs

Moog2I always thought the off-season was a quiet time of the year… how wrong was I? The last couple of months have been as busy as ever in the Laker household. In the world of Agility Team GB we’ve been busy finishing the Performance Weekend schedule; preparing for squad day two for the juniors and adults later this month; working on the 2020 squad qualification process and trying to keep track of recent announcements about this years international events – not exactly a quiet time. And then….

Karen and I launched our new website – Inner Agility This has been something we’ve been meaning to do for a while. We decided it would be done in 2019. The idea is to bring together all our activities into one place. There’s still some tidying up to do with various social media sites, however the main piece of work is done thanks to our web designer friend Niall.

Following on from my recent article about forming habits I’m pleased to say so far, I’ve kept to the new habits I’m trying to establish…mostly! There is the occasional day where something comes along that prevents me from achieving the days objectives. Interestingly, it now annoys me and makes me more determined to achieve it the following day. I also have to be creative to achieve some habits when day-to-day activities get in the way. For example I set out to achieve 10,000 steps a day. This is doable on a usual day, but when I have to travel on business it’s quite hard…even with some of the long walks in airports. However, I’ve found that asking for a hotel room on the 10th floor and using the stairs rather than the lift I can not only achieve 10,000 steps but also achieve the days calorie count. Why is it that climbing stairs never gets easier…

I’ve attached a picture of my young lad Moog enjoying the recent snow we experienced while staying with family. I’m no photographer but I’m quite pleased with this one.

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