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Surprise, surprise this month I’m writing about Crufts…

By March 6, 2019Agility, Working Dogs


By Mark Laker

Yes its that time of the year when dog enthusiasts all over converge on NEC for four days at one of, if not THE best known dog show on the planet.


Karen and I are planning on being there for three days this year. On Thursday I’ll be at the YKC ring watching the Agility Dog of the Year competition which is part of this year’s YKC Team GB qualification process. The standard of this years junior handlers is extremely high, so team selection is going to be tough…again…


Crufts is also a great opportunity to watch the senior squad members perform on the green carpet and to meet friends and clients in a perfect environment for dog fans.


Karen and I have recently refreshed Agility1st our online service for agility instructors. We launched at Crufts five years ago – it doesn’t seem that long ago. Since then the business has trained over 100 instructors and hopefully helped to raise the standard of agility instruction. So I’ll be looking forward to meeting some of our trainers at Crufts too.


And of course I’d love to catch-up with some CSJ customers, blog readers and followers. Ceri and the team have provided fantastic support to agility in the UK over the years and I feel honoured to represent them. So if you see me at Crufts come and have a chat. I’m particularly interested in any subjects you’d like me to blog about…or those you’d rather I didn’t!

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