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“Control of nutritional intake is critical for performance and the CP30 really enhanced this” Matt Hodgson 

By March 11, 2019Sled Dogs, Working Dogs

By Matt Hodgson 

I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago prior to going out to the WSA Sleddog World Championships and you very kindly sent me out two bags of food to try.

In return I’d like to provide honest feedback…

The first was the grain free product, which while this had no adverse effect on my dogs in terms of stools being runny, they did not seem to find very palatable and I struggled to get the non racing dogs to eat it.

However on a positive note my racing dogs really enjoyed the CP30 and as normally fussy eaters ate it with gusto, furthermore while training in the snow prior to competing and competing the dogs performance continuously improved and culminated in our best ever performance on snow.

Making 5th place at the World Championships and the highest placed GB adult at the event.  I was extremely surprised at how much this helped improve performance as normally a more raw based diet is my preference but this is not practical for long periods away.  Control of nutritional intake is critical for performance and the CP30 really enhanced this.

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