Rob Bunning has a dog Drake, who runs extremely well in scurries all over England at game fairs, Here are a few pictures from a recent Northern shooting show, where they won the challenge over the weekend as well as other scurries.
“We’re in our 3rd year now and Drake seems keener than ever. He is 3 1/2 and I got him at 17 months, he wouldn’t do anything then… We run in the BASC scurry league, where we ended 2nd in first year and top last year by nearly double the points of second place .
We also ran in the Countryman’s Chudleys World Gundog Series , and any other competitions we can get in. I have 4 dogs and all compete in working tests etc and I hope to trial a young dog who’s also coming on well. Most weekends we are out all over the country at game fairs and shows , my daughter also competes…
I get asked all the time what I feed my dogs. I go all around the country competing in working tests and with Drake scurrying. I use CP30 and mix in CP30 for my workers. I also always carry ‘Fruit ‘n’ Mutt bars to boost the dogs through the day and small amounts of Kronch”.