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British Manchester Terrier Fun Weekend in Witney

By July 3, 2019Agility, Flyball, Working Dogs


Report from Ann Harrison

CSJ K9 were a huge success at the British Manchester Terrier Fun Weekend in Witney last weekend.  Despite the odd heavy shower we held Games, Flyball, Terrier Racing, Good Citizen Testing, a Limit and Companion Show plus lots of socialising and it was all rounded off with a ‘Manchester Mooch’ across the fields to a local pub on Sunday night.


Every canine competitor earned their pack of CSJ goodies to take home, although I have a feeling some were devoured long before the owners could get back to their cars!  From the first picture of the generous boxes full of sample packs that I put on our MT FB page

We had fantastic feedback for your product.  Some already feed CSJ, and another who lives in North Wales spoke very highly of you and your family so we had really positive vibes from the start.


Manchester Terriers have been bred for generations to be the ultimate ratters, a pursuit that many still enjoy although most now follow alternative careers.  The general consensus was that the kibble had the perfect ‘crunch’  with the perfect mix of ingredients for sleek athletes with discerning tastes.  Several folk told me they were going to give CSJ a go, they had already gone onto your website and sussed out the competitive prices!



Thank you so much for your generous support, and if there is anything else you would like from me please let me know.


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