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We’re happy to put Jack and Jazzer back on the road to recovery again

By September 5, 2019Working Dogs
Bev Buckenham spoke to our nutrition expert Nicki, who helped advise her on the best feeds for her dogs with gluten and dental issues. The results were outstanding. Here’s what Bev has to say.
By Bev Buckenham
“I just wanted to say a huge thanks to the person I spoke to last week. I have been having your foods and treats for about 8 years now. I had dreadful problems finding a dog food which suited my rescue Lurcher. You thought she was gluten intolerant and following your advice I started her on one of your foods and we have had no trouble since.
Jack our Border terrier eats the same as Jazzy the Lurcher, but Jack has just had another dental which means he has had a total of 20 teeth out now. I didn’t think he would be able to eat the big rings of food anymore.
I spoke to a very helpful member of staff who sent me two lots of food which was smaller for him to try. He chooses the old champ. I ordered a bag on Saturday and it has just arrived. I owed you a bid thank you for sorting out Jazzy eight years ago and now I owe you another huge thanks for sorting out Jack….
You have been so helpful and I don’t know what I would have done without you when I got my rescue Lurcher, as everything I gave her was going straight through and she began to look so thin. It was only with your help I got her sorted out.
Now Jack has lost all his teeth, I came to you again as your foods have kept both of them very young, even though they are Jazzy now 10 and a half and Jack 12 and a half. I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else for food.” Thank you very much. Bev

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