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Our Lamb & Rice helps to sort out two puppies with runny tummies

By November 13, 2019Sheepdogs, Working Dogs

We have two lovely border collie pups, Smoke and Spook, who have been plagued with chronic runny tummies.

They drink from the Thames and fetid puddles, so at first we attributed it to that. But they’ve tested for giardia, had all their parasite meds, and even on days without lapping up at random ponds the output was variable. The vet suggested looking at diet.beachThough we live in London suburbs, we’ve begun training them and they have of late been losing weight from the exercise; no doubt their regular kibble was inadequate for them.

It’s anecdotal, but it took just a day for CSJ mixed-in to their diet to stabilise them. We shall monitor the weight (too early to tell), but the dogs love the kibble and it shows. They sniff about near the new kibble bag, ignoring the old one (a so-called leading brand).restWe plan to move to the Irish countryside soon.  We’re thrilled your brand is available at Quinn’s agricultural stores and other fine locations.  Bravo.  Many thanks and Keep it up!

Lorna and Francis pachas


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