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Mary Carter wins the WSA World Championship with the Santanta 6-dog team

By December 4, 2019Sled Dogs, Working Dogs
MaryCarter powering out of the start chute

MaryCarter powering out of the start chute with my World Championship, winning 6 at the WSA champs. Xenon & Copper, Promethium & Titan, Rod & Thor…. and I’m clean at this point! Photo by Christian Helm

By Mary Carter

The trail had something for everyone… trails meandering  in open grass fields, narrow woodland trails, straights, chicanes, hills, winding fast downhills, grass, dirt, sticky clay, mud, hard packed trackways, chalk, and floods!

I ran our home bred team of 5 brothers: Xenon and Copper in lead, Titan and Promethium in team, with Thor at wheel along side their cousin, Rod.

All six are home bred dogs, raised and fuelled entirely on CSJ dog food… and supplemented with Racing Blue Storm.

Mary Carter & her 6 dogs coming into the finish.

Mary Carter & her 6 dogs coming into the finish… a bit dirty now! Photo by Christian Helm

Xenon, who is now 6 years old, has lead our teams to win Gold not only this WSA World Championship in England, but also:

  • Gold at the IFSS European Championship in Sweden in 2018
  • Gold at the IFSS  European and World cup 2018/19
  • Gold at the WSA World Championship in Italy in 2017
  • Silver at the IFSS world championship in Poland 2017
  • Gold in the IFSS European Championship in 2016

As well as leading our teams to be winning the British and Scottish Championships since he started racing. Such a special dog.

John Carter's 8 dogs

John Carter’s 8 dogs, heading out of the crowd lined start chute area on day 1 – Radar & Mani leading, 4 Yearlings Nessi & Lara at point and Zirco & Uri in team (the yearlings first ever race) Oz & Atomic at wheel.

John Carter takes bronze

John was running 4 of our yearlings, Zirco, Uri, Nessie and Lara, amongst some of our more experienced dogs, Mani and Radar running lead, with Oz and Atomic running at wheel in his 8-dog class.  It was the first race for the yearlings and after the first heat John’s team were sitting in Silver Medal position.

John Carter - finish on day 2

John Carter heading to the finish on day 2

Our starting times were so close on the second day, which meant I would not be able to see his team back in.

John decided to not run the two youngest, Lara and Nessie, on the second heat, just running six, so that the little girls didn’t get spooked at the finish with no familiar face there to reassure them while they are examined and  scanned by the vet team.

In spite of the reduced power, John still managed to stay on the podium and took a very respectable bronze, behind our fellow CSJ sponsored team, Pete Jones.

George with Avenir & Vitesse i

George with Avenir & Vitesse in the junior class at the WSA World Champs. Photo by Christian Helm

George Carter competes for the first time at the WSA World Dryland Championship Juniors

Our oldest son, George, was able to compete for the first time at the WSA World Dryland Championships in the junior category with two dogs.. Avenir and Vitesse.

His first day of racing did not go smoothly, with a tangle to sort, losing lots of time, but a clear run on the second day gaining the third fastest time on the trail in his category that day, but not enough to gain a podium, finishing 4th.

George  at the WSA World Champs

George at the WSA World Champs – Photo by Christian Helm

Lucy Van Zwanenberg and the four-dog team

We also had competing a four-dog team (two of our very  experienced leaders, Neon and Clea, and two of our yearlings, Samari and Mercury) being run by our trusted friend and vet student, Lucy Van Zwanenberg.

Lucy VZ

Lucy VZ with four of ours that we lent to her to race at the World Champs. Experienced leaders – Neon & Clea in lead, with yearlings Samari & Mercury (Xenon’s son’s) running at wheel (their first ever race) Photo by Christian Helm

She had an absolute blast.  She safely negotiated the trail, looking after our precious yearlings on their first race, and was delighted to finish a very respectable 8th place in the largest class of the event.

Anna Williams running Paddy

Anna Williams running our dog, Paddy in the ladies Veteran Bikejor class. Photo by Christian Helm

Anna Williams and Paddy

Massive congratulations goes to another good friend, Anna Williams, who was running another of our very steady and trusted leaders, Paddy, in the ladies veteran bikejor class.

Anna had competed in this category last season with Paddy’s father, Bear, winning the British Championship with him, so we had no hesitation in Paddy making his competative bikejoring debut with Anna at the World Championships.

Anna ensured that Paddy was reassured on the tough sections and likewise, Paddy kept a steady line on the technical parts where many had crashed and burned!

Anna Williams running our dog, Paddy

Anna Williams running our dog, Paddy in the ladies Veteran Bikejor class Photo by Christian Helm

We were all delighted to see Anna on the podium in Silver Medal position.

Thank you CSJ

Thank you once again for all your amazing support, allowing our dogs to perform so well at this level.

We look forward to seeing how our yearlings progress this season… As I write this we are travelling with them all again down to the first of the BSSF  British Championship series  in Thetford forest, England. Our aim is to give all of our yearlings a great first or second race experience, a solid grounding, building their confidence for their years of competing ahead.

Best wishes,

*CSJ note: Mary Carter feeds:

  • CP30
  • That’ll do!
  • Adult Champ!

We’re so proud of all the team at Bowlands Trails.


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