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Dark nights, muddy Moog – oh and Christmas too!

By December 9, 2019Agility, Working Dogs


By Mark Laker

It’s that time of year again. It comes round quickly every year… I’m sure the years are getting shorter as it comes quicker each time. Yes you’ve guessed it dark nights, colder weather, wet muddy dogs and log fires….oh and Christmas too.

Until last month we noticed how much drier the climate is living on the Eastern side of the country. We don’t seem to get anywhere near the amount of rainfall we used to experience in the South. That was until this winter, then it all changed.

thumbnail_DB036B1C-2CD2-4F61-91B1-3A5A87406EFA_4_5005_cFor the first time in five years the ditch around our field became a stream in full flow.  For the first time we had our very own puddles and not far away the River Trent has burst its banks flooding 100’s of acres of farmland. After a few days of constant rain, even the dogs appeared to be getting fed up with being wet – except Moog, he loves the rain and adores puddles.

So that’s winter here then

We give our dogs a break from competition and serious training over the winter. If we do any competitions they’re generally local, low key competitions and more to keep us and the dogs practiced.

I use this time of the year to catch-up with planning for the next year

My coaching students have already started thinking about their 2020 objectives and we often have a few seminar’s planned in too. The dogs would do agility all year round. However, they seem to appreciate the rest, they look forward to their exercise walks and a different winter maintenance routine.

2020 is looking like another interesting year for us with some new projects and opportunities on the horizon.

I wish Ceri, all the CSJ Team and all our readers a very happy and relaxing Christmas and New Year.  I hope you manage to stay warm and dry and enjoy some time with your families, friends, and of course your dogs.

Happy Christmas,


Team Manager of Agility Team GB

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