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Why Mark Laker looks forward to February…

By February 11, 2020Agility, Working Dogs


By Mark Laker

I look forward to the month of February. Firstly, it’s my birthday and I like to take the day off and do whatever I fancy for the day. Often that day extends to a long weekend spending time with family, friends and of course our dogs. I’ve done all of that this year.


Our wedding anniversary is in February too

Celebrating this day often rolls on the end of the birthday weekend…making it an even longer weekend, possibly week. And then as it’s the end of my annual leave for the year, I use up any remaining time off too. So rather than being a dark, wet, often cold month, February ends up being really enjoyable.


I also look forward to the second agility team GB squad day

We’ve extended this to a weekend this year just so we can cover all the topics and activities we’ve planned. There’s lots to do this year with the European Open in the UK in July. As host nation we’ll be taking our biggest team yet – up to 40 dogs.

Countdown to Crufts


And the other thing I look forward to in February is the countdown to Crufts. Of course this is more exciting if I’m competing there, which I am this year, so my training with Rhyme is well underway.


Come rain or shine, birthday celebrations or not, Rhyme and I set out to do something together everyday towards our Crufts preparations. Thank fully we’ve had some beautiful weather so far this month so we’ve been able to stick to the plan.


I just need to go easy on the birthday cake…

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