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I have taken time to write this email as I wanted to make sure that having followed your advice and that of our vet to change Chester over to a different food, it had worked!

I’m pleased to say that I also spoke to Lesley Slade, a stockist on your list and quite local to us here in Fleet, Hampshire, who also suggested the foods that you had mentioned but felt that the CP All Rounder would be her first choice based on Chester’s symptoms and her personal experience of using it.

Chester 1

Meet Chester, watching avidly at The Game Fair – fed on CSJ – “Everyone comments on how glossy his coat is and how bright he is” Lynda Cantelo-Jones

I decided to go ahead with this one and collected a bag the next day from Lesley.  Over the next couple of weeks I introduced the food and Chester responded well.  He has only had a couple of “off days” but those have been helped by giving him half of the vet prescribed Buscopan tablet.

He is now onto his second bag of CP All Rounder, again collected from Lesley, and all is going well, so fingers crossed we have come through the worrying time we had with him in January.

Your advice and the service you at CSJ provide with samples etc is so helpful and I can’t thank you enough.

Best regards

Lynda Cantelo-Jones and Chester the happy working cocker spaniel

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