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By Mark Laker

It’s been a while since I had my childhood inoculations or even since my son had his, but I remember the importance of them.

Over the years as childhood diseases have nearly disappeared, parents have become worried about the chemicals they’re using on their baby. Likewise, as dog owners we can feel it’s nonsense to put our pets (and our pockets) through the annual dog inoculations, wormers and flea control drugs.

Personally, we trust our vet’s understanding of what is good for our dogs. Like many vets they don’t give every inoculation each year. It means our dogs get a good check-up, loads of fuss and treats from our vet.

Fleas… Prevention is better than the cure.

I was therefore surprised at my own decision in the winter to give our dogs a break from their Billy No Mates! herbs. We don’t have fleas; they don’t have fleas so why was I giving them a supplement?

Roll the clock on a few weeks and: Chic was itching – well, she loses her coat when she’s due in season, it was probably that. Rhyme and Moog were itching – well, we’d been down that track the farmer had just dug up, which must have unearthed something that irritated their fur. Two weeks in, I spotted a little black crawling thing in Chic’s fur – Oh yes, a flea!!!

Several baths with a suitable soap bar later, all bedding washed (why do I have so much bedding for them??), furniture moved to hoover behind, under and over.

Hmmm now, I remember why we give them Billy No Mates!

I have no idea why it works, but it does, and if having it every day means no little friends then every day it is. Billy No Mates – it says it all.

I love the different names the CSJ crew come up with for their products. Pikachu is trialling Ring O’ Fire! – no prizes for guessing what this will hopefully help with.

I wonder what name they would have come up with for the Covid jab – Popular Prick? 😀

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