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Here’s a short clip of one of our stockist’s 8 week old Springer Spaniel puppy, Vince enjoying his meal of CSJ Puppy Food. He was the only the puppy to survive out of a litter of 13 born by C Section. His mother developed an infection and her milk bar dried up. He had to be bottle fed every two hours day and night for 2 days. His mum is now fine and getting back into condition ready for the start of the shooting season.

“As Pip was a CP27 puppy, I weaned Vince onto CP27. He’d been a reluctant eater, but my vet was happy enough with his weight gain. My dad commented this morning that I’d used “Puppy” for several generations without issues. Maybe it was worth trying with Vince”.

His nose does not come out of the bowl until the last scrap of food has gone 😁

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