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By Mark Laker

It’s the time of year for being indoors and reflecting of this year and planning for the next.

There is so much to think about that I thought I would look up a couple of Christmas quotes to concentrate this message:

‘Christmas is a time of year for remembrance. We take stock of where we came from and have a moment to think about where we are going, as we pursue the future with hope.’

This echoes my sentiment yet is written more eloquently. When coaching, we encourage people to find the best word(s) to help their minds and heart combine to drive their motivation.

Remembrance – think about things that have happened to forge a strong memory

Take stock – gathering information/details about the achievements made or the activities that didn’t quite go to plan.

Have a moment to think – although it’s important to understand the past, to avoid similar mistakes in the future, it isn’t a good idea to dwell either.

Pursue the future with hope – I like this phrase as pursue sounds like you need to engage in an activity rather than thinking it will just come to you.

“Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large” (source Wikipedia)

At its best, Christmas is a mirror in which we see reflected the very best life can be. Where we see ourselves moved by generosity, inspired by hope and uplifted by love, not only for ourselves but for the whole evolving universe.”

What more can be said?

In a good goal setting program there is often an element of being grateful for what you have, the people who have helped you and of ‘paying it forward’ which gives others hope to enable everyone to reach for their goals.

Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.

Is it just at Christmas that you should consider these gifts?

It seems the first and last of these are the real hard hitters. A great many people allow themselves to underachieve because they lack confidence. Often, people can waste emotion and energy wondering what others might think of them. Then like some reactive dogs they chose to strike out first with destructive comments. It can become a downward spiral and never has a positive outcome. Far better to believe everyone has the gifts above and embrace the giving of them personally to have a clear conscious and peace of mind.

And lastly:

Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered.

We hope Christmas brings you what you want this year and good luck in 2022.

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