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By Mark Laker

Last month I wrote about why reading is important to me and how I set a goal that developed my reading habit.

I haven’t always been an avid reader

It was my interest in sports psychology that increased my reading. For some people reading is relaxation, for others it’s therapeutic, and for others, reading is seen as a time-consuming activity that’s hard to fit into busy lives. For me, reading is educational. I enjoy learning, exploring and researching. We need a good reason to read, and a willingness to commit the time.

We’re lucky to have access to books through ebooks, Audiobooks, online resources and of course good old print. I use all types…but still prefer paper.

There are some fantastic apps for people who are short of time to read

My favourite is Blinkist (other similar apps are available). This app enables you to read a book in 15 minutes…well you get an extremely good overview of the book, the highlights, learning points etc. in short ‘blinks’. I aim to read a Blinkist book a day. Because it’s an app, you can easily save them for future reference.

So rather than setting yourself a huge goal of reading a lot of books in a year, aim to read for 15 minutes a day.

Surely we can all find time for that.

Mark Laker

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