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Press release – 9.2.22

The weekend of January 29-30 saw the 38th annual Aviemore Sled Dog Rally organised by the Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain.

CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds were again delighted to sponsor the event and to see again the many owners of these wonderful canine athletes who feed their specialist feed, herbs and treats.

Covid had forced the cancellation of the 2021 event and Race Organiser Pete Jones said about 2022: “The event was again a great success. It was good to see so many people come and watch the event, many travelling a long distance to do so.”

Dogs and owners had to cope with gale force winds on the first day, then frost on the second but everyone enjoyed the demanding 4.2 mile forest trail around Loch Morlich and through Glenmore Forest.

Colin Spalding and Suzanne Moore Spalding of Suco Sled Dogs were running their dogs Diamond and Granite in Bikejor and Scooter. Colin commented: “So proud of the girls who at 10 years old are still competitive at the highest level. A huge thank you to CSJ for their amazing support of our teams.”

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