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By Bev Nicholson and Eve Whitley

Thank you so much for being part of “Team SESSS” and generously sponsoring our recent Virtual Charity Dog Show in aid of The Alzeimers Society and Just Springers Rescue.  Once we had started to advertise the show online, a member of our society asking us to consider raising money for Ukraine.  After some thinking, we decided on having an extra two ‘Special Stakes’ classes with the money donated to these classes going to The Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.

Our show was a huge success with an amazing 629 entries raising an incredible £1,600

Without your amazingly generous and kind support we have no doubt that our show certainly would not have been the success it was.  So from the bottom of our hearts we thank you.

Already, English Springer owners are saying they cannot wait until our next show!  So fair warning….. we will be back to ask if you would be involved again next year!!!  

If you’d like to go onto our website, visit:

You’ll see on the home page information about the show and if you click on the downloaded file, you’ll be able to view the winners of each class and the 7 judges comments on them.

Please find attached the winning photo of Supreme Best In Show, Marley and a photo his owner took of him with his rosettes!

Once again, thank you, we truly appreciate your help and support.

Best Wishes

Bev Nicholson and Eve Whitley

(Part of the Southern English Springer Spaniel Society committee)

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