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By Alan Rees

After three busy weeks of gundog activity, with more than 30 dogs, and their handlers, attending the various venues, we are now able to announce the teams selected for the International events at Scone Palace, Perth and the Game Fair, at Ragley Hall. Firstly, a big thank you to all attendees at this year’s assessment / selection days.

16 Spaniels, put through their paces by Aled Jones, over three sessions before ending up with the selected handlers.

18 Retrievers, put through their paces  by Alan Rees, plus the watchful eye of Nigel Probert (This year’s U.K. Team Captain for the Kennel Club International), over two sessions.

I would like to thank Aled, Nigel and David Pither, with all their experience, for their input over the past three weeks. I would also like to thank all the guys that turned up to help with dummy throwing, and of course our resident man on the gun, Clive.

My biggest thank you is to the Team’s sponsors, Ceri and Phil of CSJ K9, without their support it would be impossible to keep running the National Team at this level.

Encouraging this year was the appearance of new faces at the days, hopefully this will continue.

Now to the handlers selected (in no particular order) –

Scone Palace – 1st to 3rd July 2022

Spaniels.                                                        Retrievers.

Aled Jones.                                                    Simon Hagain

Dewi Williams.                                                Alan Rees

Nathan Quinn.                                                Nigel Probert

The Game Fair – 29th to 31st July 2022

Spaniels.                                                         Retrievers.

Aled Jones                                                       Mike Jones

Dewi Williams                                                  Nigel Probert

Roger Woolridge.                                            David Christmas Thomas

Steve Erasmus.                                               Alan Rees

Nathan Quinn                                                  Nigel Probert

                                                                        Wendy Glue (Reserve)

It is sad to report the loss of one of the cornerstones of the Team over the past years, Rhys Carpenter, (joint top dog at Scone in 2021), has withdrawn due to personal reasons.

Alan Rees

Captain of the Wales Team

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