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By Yvonne Milward

The United St Bernard Breed Open Show was held in April 2022 and CSJ kindly provided CSJ Salmon Oil and TurmerTinc! for the winners in each category.

United St Bernard Club Open Show 23/04/2022
Best In Show & Reserve Best In Show sponsored by CSJ

Best In Show Bell & Jeffries’s Tizine Wielkopolski Bernardyn for Bellfries

A dog of excellent type, a beautiful head and lovely expression, Correct in bite, good muzzle length, nice dark eyes and correct in skull. Neck length just right, Nice deep chest of good width with correct shoulder placement. Good spring to ribs ,level topline and strong loin, god curve to croup just right in rear angles, well musculed and had good bone throughout. He moved with purpose, drive and power. A very beautiful dog who drew my eye to award him Best male and Best in Show.

Reserve Best In show Deegan & Grainger’s Chandlimore Smoking Gun

Deegan & Grainger’s Chandlimore Smoking Gun 2yr old male who makes a good picture standing, good breed type with plenty of bone throughout. Liked his head with short muzzle, good bite and just the right amount of stop, nice neck length, body of substance, a correct structure in front with his depth and width of chest just right, a good topline and rib to loin ratio, moved very well and deserved his RBD & RBIS.

Best Puppy O’Reilly’s Fantasira Welkopolski Bernardyn Strelillys

At 11 months I found her a very nice puppy of excellent type. Overall, she made a good picture standing, quality headpiece, correct in muzzle with good bite, good dark eyes giving a lovely expression, stop and top skull good, nice length of neck, shoulder angulation correct Body of excellent width good in rear angles and well-muscled giving her good movement. BP BPIS.

Best Smooth Bell & Jeffries Ch Bellfries Smooth Jazz

I liked this female, she makes a lovely picture of balance and strength, A great head that was just right in muzzle depth and width, clean in mouth and eyes with tidy ears. A good shoulder in chest of depth and width, level topline, not as smooth over croup as I would like, strong in rear and good bone throughout, moved cleanly with reach and drive, strong contender for top honours today. BSIS.

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