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By Alan Rees

What an event – this was the fourth Four Nations Challenge Gundog International Working Test, and unbelievably it gets better and better every year.

A huge congratulations to Sam Drysdale and her team who work so hard to put on this event, undoubtedly one of,  if not, the best event on the calendar – and that’s saying something. I’m sure all the handlers and spectators would confirm that statement, and as the commentator Adrian Slater stated many times – the grand stand was rocking.

Wales were delighted again to be part of the event and that is only achievable through the financial help and sponsorship of CSJ, Ceri and Phil Rundle. We, as a Team were delighted to have both of them with us over the weekend. A big personal thank you to you both from me and the Team.

We were delighted to welcome back Simon Hagain as a Retriever member of the Team this year, he ran very well, we were also delighted to welcome the newbee, Dewi Williams, although his name caused a few problems for the commentators, Dewi put in a sterling performance with his E.S.S. dog Bryn, well done!!

There were three spectacular runs over a very difficult course for Retrievers, Declan Boyle (Ireland), David Latham (England) tied with 113 out of a possible 120 points, with Declan winning the run off for Top Dog, Nigel Probert of Wales returned a magnificent 112, a point short – these three were outstanding over the course of the International test.

Now onto the spoils – 

Top Retrievers   Ireland    283           Top SpanielsEngland 312     Team Placings   First         England  590

Second               England  278            Second           Ireland    305                                Second      Ireland  588   

 Third                   Wales     273            Third               Wales      272                                Third          Wales   545

 Fourth             Scotland    244             Fourth            Scotland  247                                Fourth    Scotland   491

One thing this International competition proved is that everything is decided on very small margins. We now look forward to The Game Fair at Ragley Hall, towards the end of July.

Alan Rees

Team Captain

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