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By Wendy Beasley

For those of you looking at UK Dog Sport for the first time and wondering what it’s all about
here is a bit of an overview.

UKDS is a sport designed to cater for all breeds and all people. It is hoped that before too
long events will take place all over the country so people will not need to travel miles to
compete and, in addition to this, the levels are set so that whatever stage you and your dog are
at there should be a level to suit you.

Based loosely around working trials there are tests of nosework, control and agility with the obstacles within the capability of nearly all dogs. At its most basic levels exercises allow for dogs to be worked on the lead and encouraged with food or toys, and yet the top level is set at a standard equal to the highest level of competition. This sport is not KC affiliated and those running events are free to put on as
many or as few levels as they can accommodate and also set the entry number to their own

As competitors progress through the levels, they will become more challenging and give those
who want to continue to improve something to aim for, but there is no requirement to move
on and participants may remain working one level for as long as they wish.

UKDS is still very much in its early days and things may change as the sport moves on but,
for now at least, it’s “try it and see” while we continue to learn and tweak it where necessary.
So why not give it a go and hopefully enjoy a new sport that you and your dog should find
both challenging and rewarding.

For more information and further copies of the Regulations and Guidance Booklet

Contact: Wendy Beasley

On FB Messenger

Email – We***********@ao*.com

01508 482378 / 07798918387

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