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By Judith Fawcett

The Club wish to thank CSJ for their generous sponsorship of our Open Show.

Photographs kindly provided by Joyce Martin Photography 

Judge: Julie North Fletcher (Northborders)

Entries: 95 dogs for 124 entries + 1 nfc 


BIS & Best Dog Beaconpike Dionysus (Mr S & Mrs K Golding)
Reserve BIS, Reserve Best Dog  Stineval Lambert JW (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)
Best Opposite Sex & Best Bitch Olliesorchid Dame at Ragatam (Miss T J Peacock)
Reserve Best Bitch Haystoun Cosmic Dancer At Paleside (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell)
BPIS & Best Puppy Bitch Haystoun Cosmic Dancer At Paleside (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell)
BOSPIS & Best Puppy Dog Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue (Mrs N Anderson)
Best JuniorAlcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn (Miss C Tutin) 
Best Veteran Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon)

Judges Report

Firstly, I would like to thank the Committee for my invite to judge my first Club show, also my 2 able stewards Judy and Kathy for keeping me and the ring in order. Mostly, I thank the exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me to go over their beautiful dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, I was really pleased with both my line ups. I loved all my main winners and look forward to following their futures.

Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st: Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue (Mrs N Anderson)Blue & Tan, 6mths old raw baby, head is developing nicely, correct bite with lovely big teeth, lovely expression nicely set ears, has a correct double jacket of good texture and ticking starting to show itself, easily spanned, nice bone, tighter feet will help the over all picture, moved well for such a raw baby, nice type. Best Puppy Dog and BOSPIS. 

Puppy Dog Entries: 0 

Junior Dog Entries: 6  Absentees: 2

1st: Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson) 15mth old Blue and Tan, super jacket with lots of ticking, nice head with correct bite and not over done, easily spanned, ribbed well back, he’s nicely angled in front with a good lay of shoulder, moved very well in profile but needs to tighten up in front.

2nd: Whittonglebe Poacher (Mr G & Mrs J Mackenzie) Grizzle and tan boy. Beautiful headed boy with nice small ears, good expression, good pelt, excellent tail and well set, nice angles and narrow throughout, again moved really well in profile but feet could be tighter, sadly he left his coat at home which cost him the class.

3rd: Beaconpike Adonis (Miss J Strother)

Res: Netherhill Lochy (S Laverick)

Special Beginners Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st: Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll 1st in Junior

2nd: Foxwater Captain Scarlet (Mrs J Spence) Grizzle and tan boy, up to size but still spannable, good head and correct bite a little heavy in ear but well placed on a broad skull, nice bone, a little short and deep in rib, good pelt and good jacket and moved ok.

3rd: Netherhill Lochy

Maiden Dog Entries: 0

Novice Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st: Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue 1st in Minor Puppy

2nd: Foxwater Captain Scarlet 2nd in Special Beginners

Post Graduate Dog Entries: 10 Absentees: 2

1st: Thornheswin Huntsman (Mr. J.C.Dixon) Masculine Ottery head, lovely dark eye and great expression, very little stop, neat ears ,super lay of shoulder, good angulation all around, lovely tight thick feet, correct jacket with thick pelt and undercoat, good tail and set well, easily spanned, sound mover in fit condition.

2nd: Hollexby Travellin Man (Mr P Appleby) Grizzle and tan, a little longer in muzzle but has little stop, correct bite, easily spanned with very good rib carried really well back, good ground covering movement in profile, so wasn’t surprised to find good angles all around,  shame he was missing jacket.

3rd: Smurfski Jingle Bells (Mrs A Walker)

Res: Ravenside Run To Me (Mr G Grassie)

VHC: Kadaredhills Breaking Free (Mrs J Potts)

Limit Dog Entries: 7 Absentees:

1st: Beaconpike Dionysus (Mr S & Mrs K Golding) Lovely sized red boy, so lovely to go over with no exaggeration, good otter like head with very little stop, good bite and nice neat ears, best of fronts with lovely rib carried well back so easily spanned, brand new tight jacket, lovely tail set and level top line, beautifully angulated, this dog excels on the move in profile and coming and going he makes a balanced picture, so pleased to award him Best in Show.

2nd: Stineval Lambert JW (Mr A & Mrs C Horner) Grizzle and tan, beautiful boy in the best of jackets with correct undercoat, has a masculine head with well set ears and correct bite, ok in rib, nice lay of shoulder, really good tail and set so well too, great pelt, I would to see more reach on the move. Reserve Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show.

3rd: Fisherbloom Dont Stop Me Now At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam)

Res: Hollexby Travellin Man

VHC: Lairehope L’ile D’or (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)

Open Dog Entries: 4 Absentees:

1st: Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin (Mr B & Mrs L P Inness) lovely headed Grizzle and Tan boy, excellent expression, correct bite, in super jacket, a squarer dog being shorter in rib but still lots to like, good pelt, moved soundly.

2nd: Lairehope Starman (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian) Pale Red very masculine boy, bigger dog in heavy coa , beautiful masculine head with the best of expressions, under all the coat is great angles and moves really soundly with good reach and drive and this won his placing, good tail and well set only just spannable with thick pelt.

3rd: Otterpaws Mountain High (Mr & Mrs G Birrell)

Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st: Foxwater Alma Ann (Mrs J Spence) Just 6 mths old Grizzle and tan raw baby, lovely front being narrow with nice angulations, good feminine head with a strong short muzzle correct bite, nice expression and dark eye, beautiful hard jacket with good undercoat and thick pelt, ribbed well back and spanned so easily, moved well and so confidently for one so young, should have a bright future. 

2nd: Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls (Mrs J M Dixon) Another 6 mth old Grizzle and Tan baby, lovely head of correct proportions good correct bite, neat ears, moderate neck into nice lay of shoulder, bit shorter in rib than 1, no jacket today but nice thick undercoat, lovely well set tail, moved ok.

3rd: Craigshield All The Way (Mrs J Blakey)

Puppy Bitch Entries: 8  Absentees:

1st: Haystoun Cosmic Dancer At Paleside (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell) Blue and Tan 11mth old puppy. Beautiful, so well made she really caught my eye, nice for bone and good rib carried well back, easily spanned, good angulation throughout  beautiful thick tight feet, amazing jacket and good undercoat, lovely feminine head, good expression good dark eye and short strong muzzle with correct bite, moved well once she settled, I loved her and look forward to watching her in the future. Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy in Show and Reserve Best Bitch

2nd: Ragatam Brodie (Miss T J Peacock) Grizzle and Tan, almost 12mths old another really nice puppy , lovely feminine Ottery head, dark eye and nicely neat ears, great expression, very easily spanned and such a showy girl that catches your eye, unlucky to meet 1st today.

3rd: Earthwise Andromeda (Mr E Houston)

Res: Ragatam Isla At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam)

VHC: Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls

Junior Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees:

1st: Alcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn (Miss C Tutin) head with little stop, slightly heavy in ear, nice reach of neck into well laid shoulders, beautiful tight feet, ribs carried well back which allows for such neat elbows and gives her a lovely underline very easily spanned,good tail and set well, good thick pelt and great jacket with thick undercoat, moved true when she settled, really liked her. Best Junior.

2nd: Picer Mirabel Ostler (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) 15 mth old Blue and Tan, a different type to 1 but a lot to like, she moves very soundly and lovely to go over, beautiful head and expression correct bite, moderate length of neck into nicely laid shoulders, ribs ok but a little deep, spannable, lovely tail and set really well which she uses to advantage on the move, good pelt and thick jacket with good undercoat.

3rd: Ravenside Despacito (Mr M Lowry)

Res: Thornheswin Northern Lass (Mr J C Dixon)

VHC: Whittonglebe Pearl ( Mr G & Mrs J Mackenzie)

Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees:

1st: Foxwater Alma Ann 1st minor puppy

2nd: Roseghyll Lady Solitaire (Mrs A Johnson) Grizzle and Tan, smaller type, a little wider than I like but nice head and correct bite, neat ears, moved well today on tight feet, good jacket and thick undercoat, good pelt.

3rd: Lairehope New Beginning For Tyneaster (Mrs S Gill)

Res: Whittonglebe Lots To Like (Mr G & Mrs J Mackenzie)

VHC: Elemcella Sedum (Miss C Blackie)

Maiden Bitch Entries: 6  Absentees: 2

1st: Foxwater Alma Ann 1st in Minor Puppy

2nd: Earthwise Andromeda 10mth old Grizzle and Tan puppy, nice feminine head with short strong muzzle, good expression and lovely dark eye, well angled throughout good tail and set really well, sadly in her underwear, I liked her a lot.

3rd: Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls

Res: Realydorn Lilac (D Martin)

Novice Bitch Entries: 7  Absentees:

1st: Alcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn 1st in Junior

2nd: Roseghyll Lady Solitaire 2nd in Special Beginners

3rd: Elemcella Sedum

Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees:  1

1st: Whittonglebe Hazy Mist (Mr G & Mrs J Mackenzie) Grizzle and tan lovely sized bitch, ok in head with nice dark eye and expression with correct bite, she’s a lovely moderate bitch with nothing over done and is easily spanned, moved well, nice tight feet.

2nd: Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt) Grizzle and tan bitch, good feminine head, she sports the best of jackets and good undercoat, nicely angulated but needs to tighten her feet, good tail and tail set, easily spanned.

3rd: Remony Fallen Embers (Mrs B Wakefield)

Res: Lairehope New Beginning For Tyneaster

VHC: Hollexby Heartbreaker At Tinkletop (Mrs L Templeman)

Limit Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees:

1st: Olliesorchid Dame at Ragatam (Miss T J Peacock) Beautiful grizzle and tan bitch ,she’s lovely size, easy to span, ok pelt, correct Ottery head of good proportions, correct bite, small neat ears, well laid shoulders, good rib, racy hind leg and she uses them well on the move, could be tighter in front  movement, great tail and set so well. Pleased to award Best Bitch and Best Opposite Sex

2nd: Thornheswin Set To Strike (Mr C Dixon) Blue and Tan, lovely Ottery head with very little stop, best of expressions, correct bite, nice length of neck into really lovely lay of shoulders, narrow throughout. Great tail and set well but unfortunately she left her jacket at home, she moves really well and very sound.

3rd: Beaconpike River Sky (Mr S & Mrs K Golding)

Res: Kadaredhills Henley Star (Mrs J Potts)

VHC: Achnagairn Touch Of Class (Mrs A Fraser)

Open Bitch Entries: 7  Absentees: 5

1st: Carrock Curiosity JW (Ms J Fawcett) Grizzle and Tan lovely light framed bitch, she’s a cracking size, beautiful femine head with very little stop, good angulations throughout and moved ok, pelt could be thicker and sadly didn’t have her jacket with her, very easily spanned, correct bite.

2nd: Oakyard Objet D’art at Hollexby (Mr P Appleby) Beautiful head, great expression, sporting a lovely jacket and correct undercoat, good lay of shoulders and good angles in front with good length to her upper arm, good rib which are carried well back, tail and set could better, moved ok.

Special Open Dog or Bitch Holding a Working Certificate Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Veteran Dog/Bitch Entries: 14 Absentees: 6

Really enjoyed judging this class, great to see so many Veterans still sound and spannable enjoying their day out

1st: Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon) 8 year old Grizzle and Tan bitch, super bitch that is easily spanned, great jacket and super undercoat, excellent rib carried well back, narrow throughout, good angles and moves very soundly, nice feminine head with correct bite. Best Veteran

2nd: Otterpaws Muninn (Mr & Mrs G Birrell) 7 Year old Grizzle and Tan, lovely headed boy, with good reach of neck into good shoulders, good angulation in front but slightly over angulated behind, good pelt and fabulous jacket, moved well.

3rd: Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Res: Kalebank Harvester (Mrs S Portsmouth)

VHC: Otterpaws Firebird ShCM (Miss A M Dixon)

Brace Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st: Thornheswin Huntsman / Thornheswin Set to Strike Super matching pair, really similar in colour type and movement, looked great together and moved well.

2nd: Otterpaws Munnin / Otterpaws Mountain High Nice pair that compliment each other well, didn’t quite move as well together as 1st.

3rd: Blue Duke of Cumbria at Roseghyll / Crosby Dark Duchess at Roseghyll

Res: Oakyard Objet D’Art at Hollexby / Hollexby Travellin Man

Judge: Julie Fletcher North (Northborders)

Junior Handling

Judge: Peter Lothian (Lairehope)

Class A (6 to 11)

1st: Leo Page (9)

2nd: Penny Wootton (10)

3rd: Easton Robinson (6)

Class B (12 to 16)

1st: Harvey Park (13)

Best Junior Handler: Harvey Park

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