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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Dog Sports / Agility Handlers

Elli has 4 Cocker Spaniel x Poodle crossbreeds.
As well as running her own dogs in agility, she trains other people’s dogs.

Basileas Miniature American Shepherds Chairman of Miniature American Shepherd Club of GB.

Toni has been so addicted to Agility for the last 25 years that she even gave up her job as a Biologist to teach Agility full-time!

Leah says, “I knew when I was 7 (seeing Agility at Olympia for the first time) I just had to do it!

Mark has always been involved with dogs through training, working at kennels, and owning dogs…

Steven won the Silver Medal in Pentathlon with his Patterdale x Collie, Libby, in 2015 at the World Agility Open Championships in the Netherlands.

Anna won the bronze medal in biathlon at the World Agility Open in 2015 with her Border Collie bitch ‘May’.

Agility Links relating to Canine Agility

Agility by Carlson

Company in America specialising in building dog agility equipment as well as obedience jumps. They also offer classes for puppy, obedience, agility, and in-home training.
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Comprehensive site about Agility.
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CSJ Agility Events Photos

An online photo album featuring photos from CSJ sponsored agility events.
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Ultimate Guide to Dangerous Food For Dogs

Here’s a guide of dangerous foods for dogs and the effects eating them can have on your dog.
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