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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Gundog Handler: Andrew Cullen MBE

Andy Cullen of Laochin Gundogs, based in the picturesque countryside of Northumberland, has many years’ experience of teaching and working his own gundogs.

Andy has gained numerous field trial awards and has successfully tutored his clients to similar achievements.

In 2011, Andy was voted top Gundog Trainer of the Year and was awarded the Keith Erlandsen Memorial Trophy.

Andy is very fortunate to be based in Hulne Park, Alnwick, the private estate of the Duke of Northumberland. This gives Andy access to excellent training grounds and enables him to offer carefully structured training programmes to help achieve success in either one or two group lesson formats.

Whether your interest lies in field trials, working tests, picking up or working in the shooting field, Andy’s supportive and constructive approach will help you build a successful partnership with your gundog.

Andy believes in ‘Training all types of Gundogs for all types of people’. Whether you are starting off your gundog journey with a Retriever, Spaniel or HPR, or want to improve your own current success/training, Andy is able to offer guidance and carefully structured training to suit all levels.


Andrew really started ‘in dogs’ from a young age, as a kennel boy with Spaniels and Labradors and has now worked and trained gundogs for over 20 years.

Biggest successes along the way

Andrew says his most memorable success was winning a Field Trial with a rescued GSP, also getting the Guns award from Her Majesty the Queen’s Gamekeepers with the same rescued dog at Windsor in a Field Trial.

He says although he has had awards for clients with Spaniels, Retrievers and HPRs, he believes his main success is seeing Laochin trained Gundogs go on to being well behaved dogs in the shooting field.

Little Heros in Scotland

The kennel has moved from Buckinghamshire to new, bigger kennels in Scotland on a beautiful estate called The Cromlix Estate – famous in years gone by for its gundogs and gundog field trials etc.

Laochin gundogs have expanded and offers a whole range of training, including specialist training for the HPR breeds and Pointer Setters.

The kennel currently consists of Spaniels, Labradors and HPRs and a Pointer, some are clients’ dogs in training – the aim is to consistently provide gundog training for all types of gundogs and all types of people.

The kennel name, Laochin, means ‘little heros’ in Gaelic.

Background in training

Andrew has a military background and a large part of this was as an instructor. This has helped him to train individuals and groups alike to achieve the required results for both the client and their gundogs.

Some dogs are trained specifically for field trials and working tests but the majority of clients simply want well behaved gundogs for their shooting interests. This can range from picking up, beating, rough shooting or as a peg dog for driven shooting.

Andrew believes in consistency as being the key to having a well-trained Gundog.


Andrew has written articles on Gundog Training for various Shooting Magazines in the past.

Laochin Gundogs cater for:

• One to one individual sessions

• Group sessions for separate breeds

• Residential training

• Basic obedience

“CSJ food from Ceri and her enthusiastic team have created a product that my Gundogs look good on and work well on in all terrains and weather – for me that has to be a winning result.”

Andrew Cullen MBE

Andrew’s Contact Details 

01665 606238
(after 8pm best)

07841 530967

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