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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Show Dog Handler: Debra Harker

Ettrick Gordon Setters

Debra’s most memorable success was winning the Dog CC at Crufts in 2000.

Involved in dogs for over 40 years

Debra became involved in dog showing whilst working at a boarding kennels before she left school.  The lady she worked for was a well-known Clumber Spaniel breeder who also had other breeds which Debra showed for her, including a Miniature Longhaired Dachshund, Cairn Terriers and Shelties.

The couple now own 3 dogs…

Gordon Setter Paradise Final Legacy at Ettrick –Jenson

Gordon Setter Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick JW – Hector

Working Cocker – Sam

The affix Ettrick is taken from Ettrick Bridge in the Borders where Debra and her husband spent their honeymoon.

2 superb Champions!

Debra has made up two Champions in the breed – the first was her very first Gordon Setter, Sh Ch/Ir Sh Ch Hernwood Crystal Graphite. who became the first male English/Irish Champion and became top male in the breed. Debra says…

“He was a stunning dog and well known for his fabulous head and fantastic movement which gained him many admirers both in the breed and with the all- rounder judges. He certainly made an impression winning 21 CC’s and 17 RCC’s plus stakes classes including Champion Stakes and Gundog Group placings.”

The second dog Debra made up into a Champion was Sh Ch Kilnrae French Connection avec Ettrick JW who was a great great grandson of Crystal Graphite.

Debra says…

“Wallace, as he was known, proved his worth at stud being top stud dog and producing a real stamp of type on his progeny both here and on the continent”.

Hector – the new addition soon gathered a fan club!

Hector – Hernwood Achilles JW – is a direct descendent of Crystal Graphite (in fact all bar one of Debra’s 7 Gordons go back to her very first Gordon) and had a fabulous start to his career with:

  • Best Puppy in Breed and Puppy Group 4 – Birmingham National 2018

  • Best Puppy in Breed – Crufts 2018
  • Best Puppy in Breed – Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Championship Show 2018
  • Unbeaten in puppy at all the Championship shows attended (including 2 breed shows)

Hector’s first outing in Junior…

After a fabulous puppy career Hector started his junior career at Bath Championship Show – winning not only the class, but going on to take the Reserve Dog CC! Debra said…

“It was certainly a day to remember as it is unusual for such a young dog to take such high rewards.”

Then was 2018 Top Puppy!

Hector finished 2018 as Our Dogs – Top Puppy; gaining his JW at 14 months.


Top Junior in the breed, gaining a RCC at only 12 months.

Then started 2019 with a BANG!

Hector started 2019 with a bang by gaining his first CC and then topped it by gaining BOB at only 20 months at Manchester Championship Show. Debra commented –

“Blown away with my youngster and as ever exclusively fed on CSJ!!”

May 2022, Hector – SH CH Hernwood Achilles JW continues to win

“Hector gaining his 6th CC at Birmingham National on Saturday, as ever fed on CSJ CP21 and Salmon oil.
Lots of lovely comments about how good he looks and I know what you put in counts so much.”

Selling CSJ came naturally…

Debra says,

“Although I’m one of CSJ’s smaller distributors I sell virtually a full range of their dog food. All my customers think CSJ is the best food ever and their dogs look amazing on it. They can’t understand why people would use anything else.”

August 2022… the wins continue

Debra says,

“Hector and I had an amazing, but very hot weekend with him winning two CC’s one at Paignton Ch Show on Saturday and the other at National Gundog in the Sunday. That takes his total up to 9!! As always looking amazing fuelled on CSJ. He is one complete mummy’s boy …” “

On May 20th 2024 Debra told CSJ about Hector continuing to rack up the wins in one fantastic weekend…

In Debra’s own words,

The Shows were –

Saturday The Gordon Setter club of Scotland double breed championship shows…

First show was under breed specialist judge Lynne Jamieson.  Hector won…

Dog CC

Best Veteran in Show

Reserve Best in Show

Best Opposite Sex in Show

The second show was under Gundog specialist Sharon Pinkerton. Hector won…

Dog CC

Best in Show

Best Veteran

On Sunday it was SKC at The Royal Highland Show Ground and the judge was the well-known judge Kathy Moore.  Hector won…

Dog CC

Best Veteran in Show

He then went into the Veteran group and was placed 4th under all-rounder judge, David Guy!”

“Amazing weekend and one I am sure will keep coming up on my memories and of course fuelled by CSJ!!” “

Debra’s Contact Details

01980 623742

07721 459630


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